Sunday, 20 February 2011

2 updates in 2 days.. yay me!!

No.. it really is me here again .. I know.. I only updated this blog

Soo.. whats happening at KJ headquarters today then? I know its not Christmas .. it's miles away.. and I didn't even really think about Christmas when I knitted these lil items up last night/this morning :-)

I'm expanding KJ you see, well I'm trying to.. into more Photography props.. had the patterns for those items for ages but what with doing customer orders.. just never had the time :-) Going to be knitting more up but in less Christmassy colours :-)

Ooh.. how could I forget this!! Finished this off for a fellow facebook friend and fellow business owner Mother Duck from Dizzy Ducks Creations she's totally fell in love with pom pon yarn.. so I knitted this up for her.. a wrap with matching wristwarmers :-)

Going to be doing another competition here for Knitty Joe.. where the prize will be a blanket similar to the one I knitted for Magic Photography.. I think I'll do it in creams and lemons.. neutral colours.. so I'm off to the market on Tuesday.. I think about 5 balls of yarn should do it :-)


  1. Mother Duck is looking forward to the delivery of her goodies this week!


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